Anthony D Faircloth – Special Christmas 2015 Newsletter

The Nonplus Adventures of a Self-publishing Writer:

Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season,to everyone. I thought I’d drop everyone a special line as to what’s going on at the ol’ Faircloth Family micro-farm.

The chickens are well, though their laying is decreased due to the season. In last year’s Christmas newsletter I reported about a litter of bunnies, I have the exact opposite to report this year. I culled my rabbits leaving only two does and a buck. Recently, I placed the doe with the buck and waited for the 30 seconds it normally takes for “bow-chika-wow-wow”, but nothing happend. They sat beside each other as if saying, “Hey, what’s up?” “Nothing, you?” “Oh, I’m good, thanks.” I tried the other doe and much the same thing, the buck had no idea what to do. Of the several bucks I processed, I managed to save the one male rabbit without a reproductive clue. The good news is, I made a call to the local rabbit lady and will take the does to her for a jump start, or, hop start?

As last year, I dug sweet potatoes, this year from from two raised beds. I think I got close to a bushell and a half. Gail made some casseroles for Thanksgiving and the rest are waiting patiently in the garage. I still have turnip greens, a few carrots and some kale.

We recently adopted another dog we named Murphy. I think she’s around 1 and of a Boarder Collie mix. She still in the chewing stage and is a challenge. LeeLuu has been very patient with her. Speaking of, LeeLuu is still havign issues with her back and probably will for life. Some of her issue is that Murphy like to play and LeeLuu can’t say no.

I finished two books this year, a scifi novel, Nick Saint, and a small booklet for encouraging writers called, How to be a Happy Writer. I am also several chapters away from finishing my latest novel, The Lightning Lord: An American Steampunk Novel. It will still need to go through a considerable amount of editing but I hope it will be published in the first quarter of 2016. I’m not sure what will happen in 2016. I have a friend who wants me to write a follow up to Just Us, as I was planning to do last year, so I’ll see what my Muse has scheduled.

I have a couple of other story ideas in mind. One is what I’m calling a, ‘modern steampunk story’ about a team of young adults that sign-up for a contest like the XPrize for space except it is to build an efficient sustainable cargo airship, a zepplin. As they are trying to reach the stated location to collect the prize, the world falls apart.

A second story I’ve been rolling around, falls within the supernatural horror genre and is about the mysterious drowning of a young boy and his friends who try to find out what really happend, set in a small backwoods Floridian town. I haven’t decided between these two, or maybe something else but I will, after I take a break for a few months.XmasPic2b

Feel free to drop by the website and drop some comments. The first chapters of all my published books are avaialable if you want to test drive them.

I hope you all have a blessed Christmas, a happy holiday season, and a great New Year.


AD Faircloth, Pensacola, FL, 12/2015


Go to and check out my books and short stories you’ll only find there.

Science Fiction is like a blender – you can put in any historical experience and take influences from everything you see, read or experience. – Joss Whedon

Read more at Brainy Quotes.


Story Spotlight- My Books (So sue me, its my newsletter!)

Pet Haven – Elle Grant is a normal twelve year old girl in a small Illinois town. Her father is an emergency room nurse, his girlfriend is the Chief of Police, and Elle’s best friend, Maria is an old-movie fanatic. Elle leads a nice normal life until she meets a mysterious stray cat and finds the bracelet of a dead girl in a pet cemetery named, Pet Haven.

Nick Saint – a normal guy working at a Chicago mini-mart, begins having dreams and soon finds himself embroiled in a mystery across time and two continents . See, there’s this machine he found in his attic that trapped the intelligence of several people sixty years ago and now they want out. Nick, Frankie, Ricky the raven, and the ladies of Bledsoe House, must solve the mystery and fix the machine to free those trapped.

Just Us – Young biologist, Tobi Madison goes to sleep on an island in Lake Erie and wakes up on the same island but at a time in the future when the world she knew has been destroyed and a new world has grown up, complete with genetically redesigned animals and alien warlords. Where will this new world lead them when they realize it’s, just us.

Find all of the above books, as well as several informational books on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats, plus an audible version of Pet Haven.


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