Tag Archives: Imagination

The Boy

I looked across the space between the young boy and I. ‘Brown,’ was the only word that seemed to encompass not only the description of the dead grass and exposed soil, but included my mood and the general miasma of the setting. It had not rained in the past — I couldn’t remember. It felt odd that me, an avid gardener… (more…)

Sarah Anne Wisemueller: A Sisters of the Secret Mystery Story

Sarah Anne Wisemueller sat on the back steps of Sisters of the Secret Mystery, the orphanage her Uncle Thomas had dropped her off ten years ago. She looked across the dark paved playground, remembering. Back then, at seven, she was one of the children hanging from the monkey bars, but now at seventeen, she had different feelings as she watched… (more…)

The Thing in the Attic

  “Jerry,” Kim yelled from the kitchen. “What,” I responded from the living room, feeling lucky she decided to bug me during a commercial and not during a play. When I married the woman she had given me the distinct impression she liked sports. I mean an exuberant ‘like,’ not quite fan-girl level but close. All through our dating and… (more…)

O’er Mountains to the Sea

Everything was fine as they began their first night in the mountains. The whole convoy was in high spirits as they left the comfortable homesteads of their people which surrounded the central settlement. Ten years had passed since their crash landing on Darkworld, as some had begun to call it, and in that time the settlers, now known as “pilgrims,”… (more…)

Anthony D Faircloth- Aprilish Newsletter

The Nonplus Adventures of a Self-publishing Writer: An Encouraging Word One day, recently I got it into my head to write something to encourage people wavering on the edge of this writing thing, so I did. It’s called, How to be a Happy Writer. This booklet is not a ‘how-to write’ book, nor a ‘how to make money writing’ book (once… (more…)

Pet Haven: Chapter One

The man carried the large bundle over one shoulder as he padded quickly down the stairs. Light from the street filtered through the sheer curtains but otherwise the darkness was complete. He almost tripped over the small dog gasping for air at the foot of the stairs, poison-filled froth dribbled from its small mouth. Poor pup, needed to be done… (more…)

Sarc the Explorer by Sean Shroll & Anthony D Faircloth

It was a seventy short years after the crash of the Blue Star when Sarc looked out from under his cap, the rain stinging his face. The wind blew constantly, pushing raindrops parallel to the ocean’s surface. He scanned the horizon, eyes squinted hearing the faint beating of the surf upon the rocks. He scanned the ocean for rocks but… (more…)

Hypersite War: The Legend of Little Jim

In essence, Little Jim’s existence has its basis in stories told 2-3 years after the beginning of the infestation. Stories began to surface telling of a teenage boy, endowed with all the powers of a Host, but without all the psychotic craziness. In all of the stories, the boy appears during a Host attack and saves the day. Sometimes he kills the Host… (more…)


Jerry Bedford smiled across the desk at his boss, Maynard Hanson. “Yes, sir, it was good to have you tour our facility. I hope you had a good experience. Since my car is in the shop today, I’ll get one of my people to take you back to the airport.” Jerry rose quickly and stepped into the hall. He frowned.… (more…)

Just Us: Chapter One

It Begins I walked quickly through the woods, thinking about the morning so far. It was all some kind of crazy mystery. When the team and I woke and gathered in the Commons for breakfast, we discovered the end of the building was missing and the woods had grown up in the space overnight. In addition, some of our utility… (more…)