Tag Archives: Super powers

Sarah Anne Wisemueller: A Sisters of the Secret Mystery Story

Sarah Anne Wisemueller sat on the back steps of Sisters of the Secret Mystery, the orphanage her Uncle Thomas had dropped her off ten years ago. She looked across the dark paved playground, remembering. Back then, at seven, she was one of the children hanging from the monkey bars, but now at seventeen, she had different feelings as she watched… (more…)

Hypersite War: The Legend of Little Jim

In essence, Little Jim’s existence has its basis in stories told 2-3 years after the beginning of the infestation. Stories began to surface telling of a teenage boy, endowed with all the powers of a Host, but without all the psychotic craziness. In all of the stories, the boy appears during a Host attack and saves the day. Sometimes he kills the Host… (more…)

Hypersite War: Della Braxton’s Story

Della Braxton placed the last piece of chicken on the platter. “Hey baby, take this plate to the living room please.” Della’s daughter-in-law complied quickly. “Sure Momma, not a problem.” In the living room, several long white plastic tables sat. “First Apostolic Church” was written in marker on the edges of the tables, having been borrowed with the chairs from… (more…)

Candle: A Sisters of the Secret Mystery Story

Sister Francesca opened the basement door and descended the stairs. At the bottom, her eyes caught the glint of light on the floor where a cellophane wrapper lay beneath the last step. She looked across a huge room, though exceptionally large, it was only a small section of the cavernous basement. The old sign that had hung outside their facility… (more…)